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Books & Culture Archives
November/December 2007
Versions of the Fall.
The impact of "mountaintop removal."
The evangelical conversion narrative.
You know—mysticism, the Kabbalah, alchemy, Paracelsianism.
The challenge of emerging adulthood.
Church history from a German viewpoint.
The many faces of medievalism.
A comparative study of preventive attack and weapons of mass destruction.
Child soldiers.
How far are we from Idiocracy
Literalism ad absurdum.
For women especially.
Baylor 2012
The new evangelical elites.
Song, culture, divine bounty, and issues of harmonization.
Visited by the Friend of Souls—or the Enemy?
What's a university for?
Why is there social theory in the United States?
The early Arab conquests.
The Middle East from three angles.
The idiosyncratic yet exemplary story of Sari Nusseibeh.
Deirdre McCloskey's Bobo Theodicy.
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