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Religion & Theology
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Apostasy and blasphemy codes.
Hans Boersma's proposal.
The 400th anniversary of the KJV.
A new edition of Robert Orsi's classic study.
A family history writ large.
Bible-reading and "pervasive interpretive pluralism."
The Christian life is relentlessly personal.
Believers in union with Christ.
Eugene Peterson on the pastoral life.
What might that mean?
Rob Bell is not easy to pin down.
Heaven and hell in the American imagination.
Julian of Norwich, re-imagined.
Imperialism? Evangelism? Both.
Chinese intellectuals and the church.
Philip Graham Ryken on the Gospel of Luke.
Fidelity and "deep exegesis."
The Mormon imagination.
All religions don't lead in the same direction.
African Christians in New York City.
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