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Books & Culture Archives
May/June 2004
How Wonderbowls changed the world.
A faithful witness at the intersection of sociology and theology.
Jeffrey Stout reinvigorates the debate over religion in the public square.
Forrest Gump without the extravagance: the ordinary life of Bill Porter.
Exploring Latino Pentecostalism.
How we've gone from raising crops to worrying about them.
Why there is no dichotomy between facts and values.
Bridging the gender divide in the workplace.
A masterful life of the Reformer.
In pursuit of a 130-pound photo album.
Lincoln's legal prudence in ending the peculiar institution.
Muslims in the United States.
Why do Hitler and the Nazis continue to fascinate?
Is it possible to call for help ironically—and really mean it?
How we've gone from raising crops to worrying about them.
Looking for answers in demographics.
Pauline self-abandonment as a response to postmodern nihilism.
Moses Mendelssohn and the Haskalah
The capital of the Scottish Enlightenment.
The intercessor par excellence in country music
Is Geoffrey Hill the greatest living English poet?
Reinhold Niebuhr's daughter examines her fellow Christians and finds most of them wanting.
The overlap between people with the Spirit and people with Ph.D.'s.
The importance of place in scientific discovery.
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