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Kuyper on science, art, and Common Grace.
Not unguided.
The faith of a physicist.
Two glimpses of ancient science.
Evangelicals and intellectual authority.
A gentle activism.
The patient, cumulative work of consensus science.
Prospecting for extraterrestrial life.
Is truth this much stranger than fiction?
Modest progress on science-and-religion.
The bounty of the "Dinosaur Renaissance."
Oil and water, or gin and tonic?
Did Protestant biblical exegesis play a vital role in the formation of modern science?
A conversation with Francis Collins.
Suppose a negative times a negative doesn't equal a positive.
The curious history of the Riemann Hypothesis.
The story of DuPont, first in French, then in English.
Looking for Adam's ancestors.
We're evangelical.
Geography and Revolution.
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