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Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future
Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future
Doug Macdougall
University of California Press, 2011

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Science in Focus: Kane Barker

Why Geology Matters, Part 2

In Why Geology Matters, Doug MacDougall recounts the earth's geological record, and the science that has lead to understanding the processes that shape our world. It quickly becomes evident that many of the tools that geologists use to study the earth are applied from chemistry. Several chemical analytical methods, including isotopic dating, reflectance spectroscopy, and electron microprobe analysis are vital to obtaining data to correlate local and global events and/or rock samples within the geological timescale. Many chemical processes, e.g. oxygenation of different elements, gas phase chemistry of greenhouse gases, ocean acidity, and the carbon cycle are also critical to accurately interpreting the geological record. Walking through the history of the earth, MacDougall teaches the usefulness and necessity of these chemical methods and processes for understanding the geological record. He then makes a strong case that an accurate interpretation of the past enables a forecast of future geological events. Based on the abundance of applied chemistry used to understand the past and anticipate the future, one might attempt to make a case as to why chemistry matters to geology.

Focusing merely on the importance of chemistry to geology, however, would quickly lead to a narrow-minded and pompous outlook. As Davis Young pointed out in his review of MacDougall's book, the geosciences are broadly interdisciplinary; they rely on biology, for example, to understand the fossil record, and astrophysics to trace the earth's interaction with other celestial bodies. The earth sciences are not alone in relying on other sciences. Where would chemistry be without physics, biology, or mathematics? This is apparent even at the most fundamental level: one cannot teach atomic structure to first-year chemistry students without also teaching particle physics; the relationship between water's high specific heat capacity and thermal regulation in both organisms and climates helps students integrate their knowledge; simple mathematical models like y=mx+b are applied when using Beer's law for spectroscopic calibration. Each of the scientific fields is interwoven with the others. Taken collectively, all of the sciences are working together deepen our understanding of the universe, and then applying that understanding to solve problems.

Solving problems is at the heart of science, and MacDougall concludes his book by listing several problems that the earth sciences are currently trying to solve: "availability of energy and mineral resources; access to fresh water; climate change; ocean acidification; agricultural sustainability; and maintaining biodiversity." All of these can be classified under the broad spectrum of stewardship of God's creation. As Christians, we are called to be stewards of the earth (Gen 1:28), and whether we are pondering theological, sociological, or ecological problems, "it is required of stewards that they be found faithful" (1 Cor. 4:2 ESV). It is part of our Christian responsibility to acknowledge, and respond to, the challenges that we see around us.

The problems listed by MacDougall are worth a second look. These problems are nontrivial, and each of them will require not only the work of earth scientists but also the combined effort of many others in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). We need to train more creative and academically diverse scientists who are equipped to solve these multifaceted problems. Our educational system needs to become more interdisciplinary because—as scientific knowledge has increased—the most pressing problems we're wrestling with are increasingly interdisciplinary. As part of good stewardship, Christian schools and universities should promote solid and broad foundations in the STEM disciplines that are grounded in a Christian worldview. We need to generate leaders and problem solvers, not just in chemistry and the geosciences but in all realms of science.

Kane Barker is assistant professor of chemistry at Shorter University.

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