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Religion & Theology
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A generous orthodoxy.
The Kingdom of God in East London.
Not least for his medicinal efficacy.
Unapologetic Canadianness keeps the conversation lively.
New beginnings for Catholic-Jewish relations.
The disruptive Christ-event.
Distinguishing speculation from historical fact.
Trevor Hart's theology of art.
It ain't easy.
Women and the priesthood.
The legacy of Richard Twiss.
Jacques Ellul's home Bible studies—and the light they shed on his work as a whole.
How believers in the first millennium read non-canonical texts.
Scholarly clickbait.
Mark Noll on the Bible in public life.
Early Christian-Muslim encounters.
British converts, 1850-1950.
Missionary shipwreck.
A quietly powerful memoir.
Calling a halt before the theological riddle is solved.
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