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The Arts
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Was Hitchcock a master in his use of music?
Paying attention to Arcade Fire.
Radio as it was and might yet be.
Walt Disney and his century.
William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelite vision.
The moral universe of film noir.
The theology of a comic strip.
Leonardo da Vinci's Philip in 'The Last Supper'.
Celebrating Mozart.
Why rock critics need to re-read Lester Bangs—and JPII.
The art of Grandma Moses.
Sufjan Stevens and the problem of Christian music.
The life and work of John Tenniel.
Kate Campbell's Blues and Lamentations tour.
Tommy Dorsey and the big band era.
The films of Val Lewton.
History and 'The End of the Spear'.
Composing for cartoons.
The life and films of Sweden's great director.
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