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A new book about Eugene V. Debs sheds light on free speech and censorship—and civil liberties more generally—during a time of war.
Four novels to read while the leaves are falling.
After a 30-year silence, David Rhodes returns.
How to look like you're taking responsibility while you're actually asking for sympathy.
A sequel—or a companion—to Gilead, a very different book and just as astonishing.
"I'm oil-field trash," the young man told his wife—but he was a good deal more than that.
Steven Millhauser's tales chart a tight orbit around the kernel where art and the actual overlap.
Mars in the science-fiction imagination.
Stanley Fish argues that advocacy has no place in the classroom. Is he right?
Preparing teenagers to cope with the "hookup culture" when they go away to college.
The latest book from Norwegian mystery novelist Karin Fossum centers on the disappearance of a nine-year-old girl.
Intimations of hope fulfilled in the memoir of a man who treasures trash.
Annie Dillard's The Maytrees.
A first novel that's the literary sensation of the season.
Fifty-two churches in a year.
A lucid account of eight mystics refutes the notion that "all religions are the same at the top."
Four novels that will keep good company with you this summer.
A report on the 2008 conference of The Historical Society.
Nam Le's characters may not be from our hometown, but they belong to our family.
A darkly ironic novel sheds light on the recent history of Pakistan.
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